Monday, August 13, 2007

Updates and Announcements!

Haven't posted here in a while, but that's because some things have been brewing on the home front.

I finally took a vacation at the end of July. Went to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a camping trip away from phones and networking. Came home refreshed, but media starved.

My mom has been sick for a little while, and went in for surgery last week in St. Louis. We had known that surgery was a possible treatment for her, but the doctors decided to move more quickly than anyone expected. I was thankfully able to take some time to travel down to St. Louis and see her. She's recovering well, and we're all hopeful that this course of treatment will lead to permanent resolution of her maladies. Love you, Mom, and thanks to K. for being so supportive.

In other news, I have been given the opportunity to join CNET Networks' TechRepublic as a regular blogger covering topics related to computing support and the technology help desk. TechRepublic is aimed at IT professionals and offers content that keeps them up to date on various issues in the industry, so I have been a regular visitor for quite a while already. I'm really excited to be joining the team!

In light of this development, this blog will be evolving a little bit. I began Lizard Robot in hopes that it would let me exercise any writing skills I might have, maybe with an eye towards trying to write about technology more formally one day. This hope has become realized much faster than I had ever expected. I'll still be posting here, and many of those posts will be about technology and gadgets, since my interest in those things is personal as well as professional. I'd like to keep things here less formal, though. Please, if you're interested in IT or Computer Support, please check out my work on TechRepublic. You can find a link to my posts on the Lizard Robot sidebar, or bookmark this page.